Help build a photographic moth id database
The aim of this site is to encourage the
identification and recording of moths throughout
the African continent. There are many thousands of species to be found and identification is very difficult with few reference works available, and trawling through museum collections the only practical way to identify most specimens.
At African moths we hope to publish as many photographs of live and set specimens as possible, with or without identification, so that as comprehensible a data base as possible can be assembled.
Photographs are welcomed as is any information regarding unidentified species already featured.
We cannot hope to feature every African moth species, and new species are being discovered all the time, but we hope to make moth identification much easier than it is at present.
The more submissions we receive then the greater the value of this site for everybody. |
Ants of Africa
A very detailed web site for anybody who is interested in ants with reference to the various African ant comminities.
Lambert Smiths Insecta
Lambert's site contains a wide range of inerest in Natural history but is centered around insects and their photography. It is also a forum for like minded people to ask questions etc.
Lepidopterist's Society of Africa
A society bringing together lepidopterists for all over the African continent if not the world to share information, photographs, news and events.
South African Butterfly Conservation Assessment
This site contains a very good virtual museum which tries to identfy various species found within South Africa.